

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Legal Notice



CooperHire GmbH

Rheinsberger Straße 76/77
10115 Berlin, Germany
c/o Factory Works GmbH

CooperHire GmbH

Rheinsberger Straße 76/77
10115 Berlin, Germany
c/o Factory Works GmbH



Managing Director: Sohraab Joshi, Amar Ahlers
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 214774 B

Managing Directors:
Sohraab Joshi, Amar Ahlers
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 214774 B

(+49) 176 87799534

(+49) 176 87799534



Responsible for content pursuant to sec 55 subsection 2 of the interstate broadcasting compact (RStV): Sohraab Joshi, Amar Ahlers

Responsible for content pursuant to sec 55 subsection 2 of the interstate broadcasting compact (RStV): Sohraab Joshi, Amar Ahlers

A singular place to build your future team

Cooper is the only ATS where recruiter excellence and candidate experience go hand in hand

A singular place to build your future team

Cooper is the only ATS where recruiter excellence and candidate experience go hand in hand

A singular place to build your future team

Cooper is the only ATS where recruiter excellence and candidate experience go hand in hand